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PIO Details


Name of the PIO

Complete official address (including Tel. No. Fax No. & E-mail address)

Matters with which concerned

Name & Designation of the appellate authority

Complete official address (including Tel. No. Fax No. & E-mail address)

Matters with which concerned

Mrs Jyothi B,
Deputy Secretary (Nursing), Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi

8th Floor, NBCC Center, Plot No. 2, Community Center, Okhla Phase-I
New Delhi - 110020
Phone: +91-011-66616810

Deals with matter as laid down under INC Act 1947

Lt Col Dr Sarvjeet Kaur
Indian Nursing Council,
New Delhi

8th Floor, NBCC Center, Plot No. 2, Community Center, Okhla Phase-I
New Delhi - 110020
Phone: +91-011-66616800, 66616821, 66616822
Fax: +91-011-66616806

Secretary INC Head of office and accordingly deals with all matters as laid down under INC Act 1947

Documents Under Section 4(1)(b) of RTI Act

I.  The particulars of its organisation, functions and duties.

The Indian Nursing Council (INC), is constituted under the Indian Nursing Council Act 1947. INC is a statutory Autonomous body under Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It has its office in Delhi (8th Floor, NBCC Center, Plot No. 2, Community Center, Okhla  Phase-I New Delhi – 110020). The office follows 5 days working week from Monday to Friday with office working hours from 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM. The office has no branches.

II.   The powers and duties of its officers. 

Work allocation

The  objective of the INC is to ensure Uniform standards of Nursing Education across the Country and to recognise the Nursing qualification awarded by various Universities, INC is headed by President who has the powers of Head of Department. Secretary INC has the powers of  “Head of office”. All the work is handled by the President INC, Secretary INC assisted by Joint Secretary and Staff. Also there are various committees like Executive Committee, Nursing Education Committee, Finance Committee etc; to Support decision making process. For example the syllabus matters are considered by the Nursing Education Committee.


The duties of Senior officers i.e President, Secretary and JS is to ensure the objective of the organisation is fully met always i.e to ensure the Uniform Standards of Nursing Education. Briefly the main duties are to recognize the qualification (s) under Section 10 (2)(4) of the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947 for the purpose of registration and employment in India and abroad. To prescribe minimum standards  of education and training in various nursing programmes and prescribe the syllabus and regulations for nursing programs under Section 16 of the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947.As such the duties involve checking of the syllabi of Nursing Programmes for their conformity with the syllabus prescribed by the Council and to ensure that the physical infrastructure i.e classrooms, lecture hall, laboratory etc; of Nursing College/ Schools thorough periodic inspection so as to ensure the conformity with the norms prescribed by INC. The inspections of the large number of Nursing Education institutions spread across the country is a huge task and responsibility.  An annual schedule of inspection through independent and impartial inspectors has to be drawn up. The inspection report is examined by the Executive Committee with reference to the INC norms and as recommended by the Executive Committee, the suitability of the institutions is decided. The drawbacks if any noted is conveyed for rectification. In case the organisations fail to rectify the shortcomings, steps to de-recognise the institution is taken up as per the procedure laid down in the INC Act 1947. Further technical inputs in all matters related to Nursing is to be given to MOHFW on daily basis. 

The Duties of Employees:- The office matters are looked after through Secretary/Joint Secretary, INC and all employees report to them. The administrative and account matters are looked after by Assistant Secretary (Admin). The work related to suitability, renewal of annual affiliation of Nursing colleges/ schools has been made completely online. As such this sensitive work is completely transparent. The institutions can login and submit the required documents for suitability/renewal online and after scrutiny by Staff/officers the assessment is also to conveyed to the organisation online. Only the concerned organisation will able to access the details through login ID and Password.

The Composition of the Governing body of INC:- Click Here

As specified in the INC Act 1947, the members include  nurse members of a state,  elected by the concerned State Nursing Councils, representative faculty members elected by the faculty member of the Nursing institution, nominated Hon’ble Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs etc;. The president Council is elected by the GB of the Council and term of the members including president and Vice-President of the Council is 5 years.

Genesis and inception of the INC- The Indian Nursing Council was constituted in 1947 under the Indian Nursing Council Act 1947.  The Council has been functioning since then, as an autonomous body under the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

The matters related to day-to-day functioning of the Council which are beyond the power of Secretary and President are referred to Executive committee for decision. The important policy matters are discussed invariably in the meeting of the governing body of the Council which is convened at least once in a year.

III.  The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability.

  • The apex decision making body of INC is its general body which has 85 members from different streams as defined in the INC Act. It is concerned with the apex level policy matters which are discussed and decided normally in its annual meeting.
  • The Secretarial function i.e day to day decision making process is under Secretary INC/ Joint Secretary INC who are officials appointed by the Council. The Secretary is appointed on deputation whereas Joint Secretary is a permanent employee of INC. Secretary INC is head of office and also the DDO. All administrative, accounts and technical matter related to Nursing are put up through joint Secretary to Secretary to President.
  • The matters which are beyond the powers of President and Secretary are decided by the Executive Committee constituted from the members of the Council.
  • For the administrative matters the Council follows the Central Government rules i.e FR/SR,GFR,CCS Conduct Rules, CCS leave Rules etc;. For matters relating to Nursing Education and other technical matters, the INC Act 1947 and the INC (conduct of business) Regulation is followed. Also the earlier decisions of the Council on various matters are referred.
  • The Council meets under the chairmanship of President and takes decisions on the matters covered by its statutory function. The President INC is having the power of “Head of the Department” and Secretary INC has the power of “Head of Office”
  • Final decision-making authority
    Executive Committee decisions ratified by Governing Body
  • Related provisions, acts, rules etc.
    INC Act 1947 and INC (conduct of business) Regulations, 2009
IV.   The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions
  • Nature of functions/ services offered
    To prescribe minimum standards of Nursing Education and Training in various Nursing Programmes and to prescribe the syllabus. To recognise Nursing Qualification under INC Act and to withdraw recognition of qualification under the INC Act when an institution fails to maintain Standards prescribed.
  • Norms/ standards for functions/ service delivery
    Minimum requirements for establishment of various Nursing Programmes have been published in the INC website.
  • Process by which these services can be accessed
    The submission of application by Nursing Institutions for grant of suitability under INC act is completely online. The calendar for the process is published every year in the website.
  • Time-limit for achieving the targets
    Time limit for submission of application is specified in the calendar of the programme every year.
  • Process of redressal of grievances
    Deficiencies in the applications are examined and intimated online to the institutions giving opportunity for the rectification. Further Secretary INC is available for personal hearing on Tuesday and Thursday every week. The public can send the grievances related to the Council functioning online also through the public grievance portal and get reply normally within two weeks.
V.    The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions.

INC act 1947 and INC (conduct of business) Regulation 2009.

The powers of INC are derived under the INC Act 1947 and the INC (Conduct of Business) regulations 2009 framed there under. For inspection of Institutions standard format/questionnaire have framed for use of inspectors. The standard norms to be followed by the Nursing Education institutions regarding building and Nursing faculty is provided in the syllabus of the concerned programmes. Printed copies of the same are available in the office for reference as well for sale to the institutions. The copies of INC Act 1947 and the INC (Conduct of Business) regulations are also available printed copies for reference in office as well as available in the website for reference of public.

VI.  A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control.

Categories of documents held :-

  1. Printed copies of the INC Act 1947 and the Conduct of Business Regulations there under
  2. Rule books relating to administration/ accounts
  3. Printed copies of syllabus of various nursing programmes
  4. Copy of minutes of GB meetings held in various years (Confidential)
  5. Copy of minutes of EC meetings held from time to time (Confidential)
  6. Annual Report of each year after laying it in parliament (copy also available in the website)

Custody of Documents

  1. Confidential documents like minutes of GB meetings are held in safe custody by Secretary/ Joint Secretary
  2. Other documents are kept in the concerned Section
  • Categories of documents
    Administration/Account file etc;
  • Custodian of documents/categories
    Concerned Sections

VII.  The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the    members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof

INC is a body consisting of members who are Professionals in the Nursing Field, elected from State Councils, nominated by the Government including Members of Parliament. They represent the public in relation to formulation of policy and implementation. Further suggestions/representations are regularly received from the public in the Council on various matters affecting the public. These are carefully examined by the Council and necessary changes are incorporated in the policy matters if found necessary.


VIII.   A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advise, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.

          Details given in II Above

IX.  Directory of Officers and Employees

 X.  The Budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made;

  • Total Budget for the public authority
    BE for 2023-24 is Rs. 19.5 crores
  • Budget for each agency and plan & programmes
    There is only one project called NRTS under implementation for which BE is Rs. 1.5 crores.

 XII. The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes

         Not Applicable

XII.  Particulars of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it

        Not Applicable

XIII. Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form.

The website of INC ( ) is bilingual and gives complete information about its role functions and other key information required by Nursing Institutions viz Guidelines, Eligibility for various Nursing Courses etc.
XIV.  The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use;

Information related to the public is available in the INC website ( ). Further the citizens may approach the PIO on Wednesday every week between 2.00 to 5.00 PM. The office of PIO is located on 8th floor, NBCC Centre, Plot No 2 Community Centre Okhla Phase-1 New Delhi-110020.

 XV.  Such other information as may be prescribed

Grievance redressal mechanism
One day (Wednesday) in a week are available to the public to meet Secretary INC.

XVI.  Status of RTI application received:- Click Here